We offer word strategy, purposeful, understandable and attractive use of words, keywords and meanings. Through an in-depth brand strategy, but also through particular work in written blogs, posts on social networks, sales materials and scripts.

Prvá etapa výskumu zameraného na ľudí s Downovým syndrómom je hotová!
The first stage of research focused on people with Down syndrome is complete!
Apr 20, 2023

In cooperation with the community of families and people with Down syndrome, we are conducting research in these weeks. The first stage was focused on…

Úsvit všetkého: chcieť vidieť možnosti
The Down of Everything: see the possibilities
Apr 11, 2023

There is a Slovak edition of The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow. The book, which - since its publication...

Záujem a ako ho vyvolať. Nie len na deň autizmu.
Interest and how to arouse it. Not just for autism day.
Apr 2, 2023

Today is April 2nd, International Autism Day. It's a day of awareness. For me, enlightenment is creating interest where there is interest…

Od polyteizmu k vede a späť: k značkám
From polytheism to science and back: to brands
Feb 27, 2023

As simple as it sounds, I think that the challenge of social science that it is going through today can be summed up like this: they thought…

Anarchist Brand Modelling
Anarchism: modeling a brand through community
Feb 22, 2023

"The best clients are those who know their brands, who know what the brands stand for and what they express, he once told me...

Značka, ktorá neovládla masy, len svojich manažérov
A brand that did not control the masses, only its managers
Feb 4, 2023

It saddens me to see communities fall. Well, I haven't experienced a situation where this happens because of a loss of meaning in the community...

Zabudnuté tváre komunitnej značky
Forgotten faces of community brand
Jan 29, 2023

I am reading an article from Social Semiotics, 2017: G. Rossolatos on brand image and the whole debate in Pierce's line of brand semiotics…

Pečú sa u nás nové spolupráce a služby
We are preparing new collaborations and services
Dec 19, 2022

We wish you the holidays as you want them to be. We want them to be full of worki, but quiet work. We are not...

Budúcnosť už bola a ten „klient“ je spoločnosť
The future has already been and that "client" is the society
Nov 7, 2022

It wasn't that long ago that corporations were happy to communicate the general promise of fulfillment, joy, abundance and instant solutions to problems...

Rozhovor o význame faktov a príbehov
A conversation about the meaning of facts and stories
Sep 26, 2022

Another one of our partner interviews. We really enjoy talking. If someone enjoys listening to it, it's like being…

Prímerie ako terapeutický priestor
Prímerie as a therapeutic space
Sep 17, 2022

We found her world of meaning for Aneta, and its first appearance is the new primerie.sk website. Aneta came to us with...

Jeden človek + jedno svetlo, 2. časť: lineárna diagonála a význam
One person + one light, part 2: linear diagonal and meaning
Jun 26, 2022

I continue the reasoning I indicated in the previous blog. Linear light: a narrow band of distinctive light that is not usually used in…

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