Brands without it are just annoying sounds and images.
Meaning transforms suits into power symbols, streets into scenes of social change, animals into pets, no-name figures into heroes and outlaws, and random passerbys into lovers.

Branding and communication
We create new brands and resuscitate existing ones, from strategic starting points to the display in the experience of a logo, website, flyer, image and word.

Research and community development
Our research is qualitative, purposeful, we do it with the "as best as we can right now" method, and this also applies to our strengthening of communities.

Courses and Consultations
Communication, meaning, brand, but also children's unschooling: a mix of what we live by and what we pass on to you through consultations and courses.

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Most recent blogs:
Odyseus a nová identita na sociálnych sieťach
Pre O.z. Oydseus sme pripravili posun v identite, zameraný na viditeľnosť na sociálnych sieťach. Nový Odyseus je odvážny, rebelský a…
Kapela Longital doslova v našej kuchyni
So Shinou a Danom sme z jedného kopca, z Longitalu (historické pomenovanie oblasti Dlhé diely) a nejak nás život spojil,…
MindGuide has a new website.
MindGuide brand, which is just being born, has a website from us. This time we got our hands on the domain and the finished logo, together with…
Zrejmé about elections and what home means
The organization Zrejmé, which unites generations and whose mission is reciprocity regardless of age, approached us with a request for a short...
You can also find Jan in the Nová Cvernovka workshop
In addition to working for brands, Jan always enjoyed manual work, creating with his own skilled hands, working with wood. He managed to become…
An interview with us about unschooling for Denník N
You can find the whole article here. For 0.3 percent of children in Slovakia, the beginning of September does not mean anything special. They are children who do not go…
Individual psychology with a new identity and website
In the form of half-yearly cooperation, we gradually transformed the Individual Psychology brand into a modern and fresh outfit. We created more than just a design. Our…
Where new services are created for people on the spectrum, we are there too!
A new Counseling Center for parents, children and schools is being created in Záhorí in the town of Gbely. She specializes in families on the autism spectrum and we were lucky enough to be
Prazrnko grows with Ideology
Once a matter of course, seeing what we put in our belly grow, today it is a rarity. Prazrnko is such a rarity. Is an…
Children are the most demanding client and we enjoy it
This project also concerns our family. Anyone who knows us knows that we have a son in individual education. He doesn't go to school,…
The Molehouse is Talpa House and the strategy comes to life from us
Check out Do you remember the brand Krtkodom? So that's her. In a new dress and with a new website. Architect…
The coolest name for a coffee shop
Chef Pepe and Liliana, his wife, came into our lives by chance. We met at the children's pool at the swimming pool.…