All posts filed under “image

Cultural innovation: a sensory-friendly event

We had the opportunity to participate in the preparation of a sensory-friendly event, and we also enjoy this! Bringing changes that change the established culture and open new possibilities for people. People who need a sensory safer environment to enjoy the experience could and did come to the event of the Absynt publishing house in Nová Cvernovka. On this site you will find graphic materials and instructions for the sensory-friendly "sf" symbol. It didn't exist until now, so we drew it. We offer it to anyone for use in organizing such an event. We believe that this "ligature" of ours will become a sign that will guide people with more sensitive sensory needs and guide them in choosing an experience.

This is how we presented a sensory-friendly event:

"More and more events are adapting to the needs of people who want to experience them without distractions: loud and sudden sounds, background noise, flashes of light, smells or other sensory surprises. These stimuli can be discomfort or even distressing pain. Considering sensory sensitivity is important for everyone, not just autistic people. Help us create a sensory friendly event!

1. Let's allow ourselves enough personal space so that everyone can breathe freely.

2. Do not take photos with a flash during the event.

3. Instead of applause, let's show enthusiasm and gratitude by freely waving our hands: jazz hands.

4. We will enable a transition to a safe corner for those experiencing overload.

5. Let's ask what form of greeting the other person prefers - a handshake, a touch of the elbow, a slight bow or a wave of the hand.

Something can be surprising and new. Something can make you feel awkward and insecure. Well, take it as a challenge: there are a thousand ways to enjoy pleasant moments! With jazz hands, we will also try out the feeling of stimming* with the hands, which is so popular with autistic people!

* Stimming is the repetition of movements, sounds or words. We all stim. When was the last time you tapped your pen, tapped your foot, hmm? In autistic and sensory sensitive people, stimming is seen more often. It can be a protective reaction, release of tension, but also pleasure and joy. In public, we are forced to suppress stimming, which takes away our mental health. And all you have to do is relax!"

The world's first school without the manual

The concept of #bezávodu, which gave birth first The Podcast series Kids without manual, than portal – live with people with Asperger syndrom and autism grew by school. It is a primary school that promotes inclusion, is located in the small village of Veľké Zlievce and provides support to home-educated children.

With Slávka Makovníková, co-founder of School without manual, we in this interview discussed inclusive education in practice, diversity support, work with autistic children, home education, the teaching profession, but also burnout and rediscovering life force. Since Slávka, in addition to accompanying children, is also engaged in her own therapeutic practice, there were plenty of topics. Read on, it's worth it!

A cultural-sociological view of the brand in a series of explanatory videos from Popař.

Whatever you like, we created for joy and a good feeling series of videos about the cultural-sociological view of the brand, sign, designation. Maybe in the end it won't be just for us, but for other people who don't see the brand as just manipulation, but see the brand more broadly, as an interpretation of the world. This is what we enjoy, this is what nourishes us, this is what we explore and discover, even in the works of the classics. For example, with Durkheim, but also in the most up-to-date knowledge of cultural sociology.

The videos present a cultural-sociological view of the brand, symbol and sign, and their place in the process of creating meaning, or even better, the performativity of the symbol. It sounds academic and professional, but in our opinion it belongs to normal practice and normal life. We are not done, we continue and will bring more practical examples that this knowledge has a tangible impact.

The first video is in English, the others are in Slovak with subtitles, there are five of them and they form the basis for further playing with the topic of the brand from a sociological perspective.

We prepared a Manifesto for Nová Cvernovka, an artistic community and cultural center.

Together with team Cvernovka Foundation and members of the artistic community Nova Cvernovka, we created their joint Manifesto in three workshops. It was exciting, because it seemed impossible to harmonize such a differentiated group full of diverse interests and professions. In the end, we succeeded. And the manifesto is not just a list of values, the meaning of which will change over time and opportunities. It captures their story. The story of who they are and what they become when they do what they do every day. We are keeping our fingers crossed for Cvernovka.

We also found ourselves in this situation: "Being someone together limits us as much as the idea that things are given." We are always changing, shaping what can be and inspiring change. Nová Cvernovka is an experimental space of everyday culture and everyday culture. We are writing a fulfilling and sustainable story of 21st century society."

Estetika Ideology

Každá práca má svoje estetizované formy, aj tá naša. Každý slide, každá scéna, každý aktér, každá stratégia a dráma značky má svoju estetiku – svoj dizajn, logo, typografiu, zalomenie textu, farby, tvary, kompozíciu. Berieme si to všetko, lebo nás to baví.

Hľadali sme zážitok z Európy, spolu so Zastúpením EK na Slovensku.

Pozvoľna prepíname na zimný pokojný režim, čo znamená pracovať menej. Ak vôbec pracovať, tak na našich projektoch, iba pre radosť. Veríme, že sa to podarí aspoň mesiac, ak nie dva. Obaja sme spokojní s tým, že nepracujeme lineárne. Máme svoje vlny produktivity a počúvame ich.

Tento rok nás toho veľa bavilo, aj keď tempo sme mali voľnejšie. Je taká doba, bolo treba ešte viac spomaliť a vnímať svoje potreby. Naozaj výživné boli napríklad stretnutia s tímom ľudí zo Zastúpenia EK na Slovensku. Spoločne sme hľadali zážitok z Európy. Významovo zanedbaná Európa si zaslúžila našu pozornosť – to znie trochu namyslene, ale máme na to, tak to nebudeme maskovať. Na workshopoch sme sa posunuli od komunikácie informácií o inštitúciách Európy, k sprostredkovaniu zážitku, ktorý je ľudský a dokáže zaujať, vyvolať pocit spolupatričnosti. Európa nie je len múdrym starcom, ale aj bežným človekom, ktorý vie oceniť bezpečnosť a pohodlie v každodennosti, vie si napríklad vychutnať dobré jedlo, posedenie s priateľmi a nebráni sa ani otváraniu ťažkých tém, pretože aj tie spoluvytvárali náš európsky príbeh.

Pozdravujeme vás! Kristína a Jan

#beznávodu – naživo s ľuďmi s Aspergerovým syndrómom a autizmom je na svete!

S radosťou a hrdosťou Vám chceme ukázať našu najnovšiu spoluprácu – portál a magazín #beznávodu – naživo s ľuďmi s Aspergerovým syndrómom a autizmom.

#beznávodu inšpiruje k vzájomnému spoznávaniu a tvorí bezpečné miesto zdieľania skúseností ľudí s Aspergerovým syndrómom a autizmom. Prinášame ľudskosť, radosť, tvorivosť a hrdosť do sveta, ktorý je zaťažený zdôrazňovaním poruchovosti a dysfunkčnosti.

Identitou nadväzujeme na úspešnú sériu podcastov Deti bez návodu – rozprávanie nie len o špeciálnych deťoch s Aspergerovým syndrómom a autizmom, posúvame sa ďalej smerom k širšej skúsenosti, nie len detskej. #beznávodu vyrušuje, môže byť nepochopiteľné, nejasné a neortodoxné, je emočne a interpretačne bohaté a nejednoznačné. Rozhodne nie je prvoplánovo páčivé, veď taká je inakosť. Krásne ilustrácie veľkoryso poskytla Petra Lukovicsová.

Nie náhodou tento portál zverejňujeme 18. júna, teda na deň autistickej hrdosti. #beznávodu si dáva za cieľ ponúkať hrdosť, radosť a objavovanie práve v témach Aspergerovho syndrómu, autizmu, a v každej diverzite. Vznikol v spolupráci s Vierou Hincovou, A Centrum o.z. a bude stabilne ponúkať obsah z prvej ruky – teda od ľudí na spektre autizmu.

Ďakujeme za tieto príležitosti, dávajú nám zmysel,

Kristína a Jan

Pán Mozog

K reflexivite patrí aj veľká vnímavosť cez zmysly. Neustále hľadáme, čo unesieme a čo už nie, adaptujeme sa a skúšame rôzne pomôcky. Každý človek vie byť zmyslovo preťažený, každý má však trochu iný „prah bolesti“. Pre nášho syna sme po prvom veľkom jarnom výlete vyrobili takýto komix. Výlet bol po pokojnej interiérovej zime totálny vše-zmyslový útok. Tuším, že pán Mozog nás bude sprevádzať aj ďalšími situáciami.

Pdf s komixom na vytlačenie nájdete tu.

Ako bonus vznikla krásna obálka komixu. Je z dielne našej Ely. Ako inak, v hlavičke je Golden Moon – Otisova firma.